The Business Think Tank

The Only Source of Profit, the Only Reason to Invest in Companies in the Future is Their Ability to Innovate and Their Ability to Differentiate – Jeffrey Immelt

HPA’s Business Think Tank was founded for the purpose of bringing innovative ideas and advanced problem solving capabilities to our clients. You have a need for advanced thinking, we have a Think Tank of diverse experts that will function as as an extension of your leadership team.  We generate ideas and alternative solutions; you own them.

Reasons to Engage A Think Tank:

Apply Additional Intellectual Horsepower: Is there a strategic initiative that you want to pursue? Partner with HPA to brainstorm and consider “What If…?”. We excel in considering possible avenues for the future. Let’s generate some big ideas together.

Validate A New Direction: Do you have a new product or service that you want to implement? Engage the Think Tank to examine it for you and give you a thorough list of pros, cons, risks, and improvements.

Bring In Reinforcements: Do you find that every minute of your day is tied to service delivery, financial decision making, and operational meetings? Allow the Think Tank to tackle an ongoing problem or issue that you and your team have not had time to address.

Gather Neutral Perspective and Best Practices: Is your management team stuck in entrenched agendas, historical power plays, conventional ideas that don’t have tangible business results? Replace worn out patterns of thinking with best practices, future trends, tested theories, and proven experience.

Composition of the Think Tank:

HPA’s Business Think Tank is comprised of a core team of professors and seasoned business professionals. Together we possess expertise in: leadership, business planning, operations, technology, organizational effectiveness, finance, human resources, and performance management. Each member has exceptional problem solving skills and the ability to generate imaginative, yet viable ideas.

An established company which, in an age demanding innovation, is not able to innovate, is doomed to decline and extinction

– Peter Drucker

Anticipated Benefits:

By using the Think Tank, you…

- achieve higher levels of innovation,

- advance your strategic endeavors,

- gather alternative perspectives, guidance and insight

- improve your decision making efforts,

- capitalize on seasoned experience beyond that of your own team,

- employ proven problem solving methods, and

- challenge the status quo

For More Information, Contact:

Duff Points, Innovation Practice Leader

Dream Big - Conquer Incrementally